How We Work

We are private landowners, universities, state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, trade associations and forest industries including wine and spirits, flooring, cooperage and timber. Formed in late 2017, we are committed to ensuring the long-term sustainability of America’s white oak forests.

Many individuals, businesses and organizations have been working to support white oak. What’s needed is a coordinated and large-scale response across multiple states, interests and industries — a comprehensive and strategic plan for long-term sustainability.  

The White Oak Initiative is designed to actively create and champion activities to conserve our white oak forests throughout the white oak range.

Additional actions include:  

  • Supporting research on oak health, population, age, genetic diversity and economic and jobs impact.

  • Technical assistance for both private and public landowners to encourage the growth of white oak.

  • On the ground implementation strategies to engage and support family forest owners and assistance to public land foresters.

  • A communication strategy to educate landowners, the public and others about the issues and opportunities.

  • Policy solutions to support state and federal programs supporting white oak sustainability.  

The initiative is supported by two coordinated USFS landscape scale restoration (LSR) grants, and significant private and state financial contributions. Staff from the American Forest Foundation and the University of Kentucky are directly advancing the work of the White Oak Initiative.


Assessment & Conservation

Starting in 2019, the White Oak Initiative began leading a process to develop a comprehensive assessment for upland oaks throughout the region, with emphasis on white oak.


Technical Assistance

We are working with experts at universities and state and federal agencies to develop technical resources for landowners, foresters and land managers to support white oak forests.



Sharing information about the white oak challenge and our efforts to work together is a priority for the many members and supporters of the initiative. We are focusing efforts to develop materials and direct outreach efforts.